"Don't let fear control your life. I've known so many people let the fear of failure become a reason for them to life a life with restrictions and at the end, they regretted that they didn't do much more, and they truly haven't lived"

Thursday 21 April 2011

MUET... Moooo iiiieeet :Part II

Okay, just finished all the second part of the Malaysian Universities English Test (MUET.. duh) which involves reading,writing and listening. But, the fun part of this exam, was the reunion of friends from diff. states and far places... Oh how much I miss you guys!!

The exam was okay. Not that hard... but could have don't silly mistakes here and there... I really hope I made it to band 6.. not due to the rumour of the money prize of RM 1000, but just to set myself the bar... Really need to study for my SAT.. Oh GOD... Help me! And to make things interesting.... My 'friend' was supposed to take the test here in Kuala Lumpur... Ha Ha HA..!!!

We all tried to contact him and he just disconnect us from his life...But somehow still managed to send me a Farmville request..WTF.. AMIR answer us!!

I guess we'll have to wait till next semester then...

Still not sure how to get the Baskin Robbins goal down... any idea how to so??

Thursday 14 April 2011

MUET... Moooo iiiieeet

Seriously, this is my first exam that comes with no apparent warning. No letters, no text, no email. I almost missed it if it wasn't for my friends, asking me when was it. When we registered the test earlier this year, it stated 21st April and later.. So, knowing that, I convinced myself I got a lot of time. Oh God, how wrong was I?

I found out three days before the first test; speaking and I was having a sore throat then. Panicked I .. I didn't wantt to do it really but I had just to face it.. But seriously, the MUET workers need to tell people.. And to make matter worse, I got this friend that went missing. Missing, uncontactable, unreachable..

No he wasn't kidnapped or what...He is just gone.. I guess this is what people must have felt when  I went into a facebook coma (login into facebook without notifying anyone).. So everyone was worried. We called. Texted. and much more but we just don't know what happened to him.. Because he was having the same freaking MUET exam as us.. We wanted to tell him that the exam is nearby.. and wondered whether he knew about it. Exam day came by and no one saw him.. Let's just hope he switched the location and took it without us knowing. This guy..Ahh..

Seriously MUET!! You really need to warn people. You're like the stupid clown thaat popped up to scared us.. Boo you! Moo iieeett!

Speaking about cow! I decided to do something.... to taste all the flavours of Baskin Robbin ice cream!!!

Do Something that Haven't Been Done for at least a Year

Okay, we all did something that we haven't done for years.So, I decicded to reprise the few things I haven't been doing for quite a while, specifically at least a year. By accident, I did three this week.

No.1 Actually use Facebook
Okay this one I kinda cheat, but I haven't touch Facebook (meaning actually post anything on my wall) for almost a year. I kinda did this on purpose, because I was too lazy to go online especially when you're far away from easily accesible internet. does make sense? Try studying somewhere where Wi-Fi meaans going 4 storey down. So, this week I kinda revive my Facebook account by accepting friend request and plying some games.

No.2 Drive .. a car
I hate driving. Mankind weren't meant to drive. That's why there's so many death related car accidents. So, after one year avoiding driving, I had to take the plunge to satisfy certain society and geographical need. A year ago, I took my driver's exam aand only past the second half. This means I have to retake the other half; the one with the hill, side parking and three corners... Studying and National Service came after my first test, preventing me from retaking the exam for a year. The second test was scheduled to be tomorrow., then, a bomb dropped. I found out during this week training I had to retake the part that I passed as well. Panicked, I had to rescheduled the test to next two weeks. Hopefully, passing the test could be my new thing that week. Oh.. The driving part, I hate driving mostly because I have motion sickness. So the swaying and the movement of car just... makes me sick.

No.3 Skate on ice
Ahhh.. The feeling.. The wind in the hair and the intense pain in my feet. Ice skating is fun and painful. This will be my secongd time on ice. I always love seeing people skating especially the pros; whether the the hockey players or cute kid figure skaters getting scolded by their overbearing mother. Getting on ice for the second first time... The feeling of slippery ice on the blade of the rented tight ice skating shoes.. the first glide... (because I can't remeber being good the first time) and my first fall ( somehow good enough not to fall the first time).. Being on the ice reminds me why I'm so afraid to fall even if I know I'll get back up again.. It's like life.. Fear of failiure is till there.. I need it to go away.

And I also need to be better in ice skating. Come on, I'm no good in most sport. Let this be it, even I don't go pro.. I still want to be able to glide , spin and twirl...WEEeeeee!!!

Friday 8 April 2011

Use Omegle for First Time (Most Likely to be the Only Time)

For those who doesn't know internet and its rules, the title might not make sense.So, I guess I have to explained. Omegle is a website used for talking to strangers via online chat. The service randomly pairs up users online into one-on-one chat windows (with option of blocking certain cameras), where they can chat anonymously using the handles "You" and "Stranger". Okay, I just copied and pasted that from Wikipedia. But, Omegle like anything from internet obeys the rule no. 34, if it exist, there's will be a porn version of it. Of course, in Omegle, this mean chat windows with naked people. So, decidingly, I put a theory to test. How likely are you to get an 'adult' chat window?

For me it was 2 out of 10. Random guess, I didn't actually counted how many time I disconnect and view it. I was busy screaming at the window with a close-up of a guy masturbating. Luckily, my accomplice in my missions , KK was there. He actually was the one who did all the clicking. I was a the corner of the webcam's view, squeling and telling him about the evils of internet. He doesn't wants to be reminded of the fact of millions of sexual predators and pedophilles online. I got quite a scare when a seemingly normal man pop up on the chat window. He was from Turkey and 39 years old. (The info we managed to get out of him. He started the chat with "Good!". For most, I guess it meant "Good! It's not another naked men jacking off its penis at the webcam." For me, it was more like " Good! A nice young, delicious boy. He looks underage and I like underage kids because I'm a pedophille." Scary! But, my friend, KK seem oblivious. That guy seem normal and he didn't want to judge a book by its cover. I guess he was right... But that guy disconnected us when I asked KK to lied about his age. When KK put 23, the Turkish guy seem somehow dissapointed and immediately disconnected us. See! Scary, right?

I still don't understand this world and the monsters lurking online. And why do they have to exhibit their personal enjoyment to everyone? Are they nuts or maybe they just have too much balls,(no pun intended) believing its courage? What do you think?

Thursday 7 April 2011

Play Hook the Duck

I'm proud to say that this is the first new experience I had after I started this blog. Okay, so its no skydiving or swimming with the sharks, but it is a start. A start for me.

I've always seen fairs and carnival on tv. Not sure whether I've been to one, I seriously can't recall but I've always enjoyed seeing people playing the games. So today, or precisely 7th April, I found myself in front a carny-esque game right in my local mall. It's called Hook the Duck. Okay, I'm not sure whether it is the real name or not.. but I'll stick to that name. I kinda like it. So, I, excited, immediately change my money for tokens and gave those tokens to the person in charge. He gave me a pole with a circular loop at the end and as me to play. I wasn't really paying attention to what he said, but my instict tells me to hook a duck. Then, right in front of me there's a list of what seem to me was the price for the gifts. Next to the jumbo prize written there the number 4 (or it could be 3) in a circle. I assume it meant I need to hook 4 (or 3) ducks out from the hundreds from a ciculing pond.  The guy said only do it once and I'm still not sure what he meant. So I scooped one duck up.

Then, the moment of truth. The duck was overturned, revealing a zero on its underbelly. I was shocked. No wonder the friend I had next to me was telling me to use my instinct. It meant that I had the wrong play mood on my head. I was so in the zone that it didn't occur to me was the obvious. I had to take a chance on aduck hopping under it will reveal a number higher than 0. And when my friend, KK told me to use my instinct to pick the duck, he meant pick the right duck. Well, it seem that I have bad instincts. And that's not the only that day.

Later at night, I got a text from a friend asking when is my coming exam? Thinking it was a few weeks later, I let it by, with a shrug. Tonight I went online and found out it was next Monday. Crap. Crapping shit. Crapping shit in toilet. I cannot believe. And to add salt to my wounds, it will be a speaking test. I just checked out from a hospital with sore throat and now, they're telling me that I have to speak with seriously bad coughing. What a nightmare?

So, I had to come up with a plan. I got three days to study the speaking test. Nail the time limit and improve my grammatical skills. Let's us all pray to GOD. Oh God!!!

Reminder to self, please do not PROCRASTINATE anymore!!!

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Experience A Death Scare

To anyone who do read this blog, you'll realize that I say ALIVE a lot.. Okay, not helping with the capital letters. To understand better, you need to understand me. I'm your average couch potato. A pot belly, tv with cable and a comfortable couch. But, I'm not the usual 45 year old, beer drinking Homer Simpson. I'm 18 and I've never done a lot of things. I've never even go to a club. I know, I know. I'm pathetic. This is why I'm turning a new leaf to start with. 18 and no social life! It's sad. Okay, it's not that I don't socialize I just.. I just don't really like going places with alot of people, dressing up and stuff. Ok.. SAD again.

Going back to the title, having a death scare is important. It could really change a person whether it's just a bit like a guy deciding to change his diet or pursue his true lost love. In truth, I've never experienced something traumatic like a disaster and such. So in hope by not offensing certain people, I think a death scare could be anything that reminds you of life, whether experiencing an emergency airplane landing or being unable to breathe through your nostril on a hospital bed, both of which I've experienced myself.

I experienced the airplane thingy when I was coming back from a family trip from Hong Kong. A guy I called Sir Peacock died on the plane. During the beginning of the trip, Sir Peacock, Madam Peacock and their two daughters where the most extravagent family on the tour. The had the cigar smoking, scarf wearing, diamond necklace kinda look. By the end, he was kinda sick and tired. On th plane ride hime, when the stewardess where all busying around, I knew he was dead. He's the one that died eventhough I was sitting many seats ahead. I was separated from the rest of the tour group on the plane to accomodate a couple and their young toddler. The plane had to to an emergency landing in Vietnam. After hours docking on th airport, and after the Peacocks left the plane ;including the dead guy, finally we were on our way home. The best part; okay, now I seem insensitive, was when the adrenaline pumping, ear paining, jet-like dive from mid-air to land base. During the fall, I felt fear. Fear of an aircrash, for some reason. That feeling reminds me of the short live I had and the lack of accomplishment I have.

The blocked nose was recent, in fact on April's Fool. Seem like a joke from God, I've spent April's Fool weekendn of 2011 in bedrest, drowsy thanks to drugs, unable to breathe from my own nose and having the driest throat I've ever had in my entire life.. It kinda make me appreciate breathing with the nose and make me decide to have this blog. Not being able to breathe easily also make me feel as if I forgotten how to breathe altogether. So,  I guess it was the big sign I've been asking from God. I'll come back later on the big sign reason. But what I've to tell is I reall needed a sign. A big sign telling me to turn a new leaf and start my new life. Hope, you'll have better death scare than mine. Maybe if When I got a really traumatic one, I'll post it.

Write a blog about things I'm about to do

This isn't the the last attempt of life from a dying person. This is a record from someone starting anew. I want to do something, something big that will help me, remind me to experience the little things in life. This blog is a beginning . Every post title will be something I have done whether it is in my present or past. Either way, this blog is a diary about the things I've done; so in hope one day when I'm criplling old I could read all the things I have done and be proud dying. We could hope, rite?

The inspiration was easy. The Julie/Julia Project, the movie inspired by it, The Bucket List movie, The Blind Side, The Pursuit of Happiness and all the other inspirational movies and stories I personally heard or seen. I've seen quite a few and got motivated easily by them but haven't really done anything about it. So I really fucking hope that this is a start. Oh please let it be. I cannot sit through another inspiring movie and not do anything at all. I feel so lifeless.So freaking DEAD. So this need to be it. I don't even care if people don't read this blog.... Okay I lied, I do care but This blog is for me, it's the freaking push I need to achieve my dreams. I don't want to list down my dreams for now, just the things I do to feel Alive. But to really pressure me to get it achieved, I'll put one down, by the end of next year 2012, I need to get my but to AMERICA.

So, let's get it started! My new lease on life... A mission to do at least something NEW or DIFFERENT every single week of my life..