"Don't let fear control your life. I've known so many people let the fear of failure become a reason for them to life a life with restrictions and at the end, they regretted that they didn't do much more, and they truly haven't lived"

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Experience A Death Scare

To anyone who do read this blog, you'll realize that I say ALIVE a lot.. Okay, not helping with the capital letters. To understand better, you need to understand me. I'm your average couch potato. A pot belly, tv with cable and a comfortable couch. But, I'm not the usual 45 year old, beer drinking Homer Simpson. I'm 18 and I've never done a lot of things. I've never even go to a club. I know, I know. I'm pathetic. This is why I'm turning a new leaf to start with. 18 and no social life! It's sad. Okay, it's not that I don't socialize I just.. I just don't really like going places with alot of people, dressing up and stuff. Ok.. SAD again.

Going back to the title, having a death scare is important. It could really change a person whether it's just a bit like a guy deciding to change his diet or pursue his true lost love. In truth, I've never experienced something traumatic like a disaster and such. So in hope by not offensing certain people, I think a death scare could be anything that reminds you of life, whether experiencing an emergency airplane landing or being unable to breathe through your nostril on a hospital bed, both of which I've experienced myself.

I experienced the airplane thingy when I was coming back from a family trip from Hong Kong. A guy I called Sir Peacock died on the plane. During the beginning of the trip, Sir Peacock, Madam Peacock and their two daughters where the most extravagent family on the tour. The had the cigar smoking, scarf wearing, diamond necklace kinda look. By the end, he was kinda sick and tired. On th plane ride hime, when the stewardess where all busying around, I knew he was dead. He's the one that died eventhough I was sitting many seats ahead. I was separated from the rest of the tour group on the plane to accomodate a couple and their young toddler. The plane had to to an emergency landing in Vietnam. After hours docking on th airport, and after the Peacocks left the plane ;including the dead guy, finally we were on our way home. The best part; okay, now I seem insensitive, was when the adrenaline pumping, ear paining, jet-like dive from mid-air to land base. During the fall, I felt fear. Fear of an aircrash, for some reason. That feeling reminds me of the short live I had and the lack of accomplishment I have.

The blocked nose was recent, in fact on April's Fool. Seem like a joke from God, I've spent April's Fool weekendn of 2011 in bedrest, drowsy thanks to drugs, unable to breathe from my own nose and having the driest throat I've ever had in my entire life.. It kinda make me appreciate breathing with the nose and make me decide to have this blog. Not being able to breathe easily also make me feel as if I forgotten how to breathe altogether. So,  I guess it was the big sign I've been asking from God. I'll come back later on the big sign reason. But what I've to tell is I reall needed a sign. A big sign telling me to turn a new leaf and start my new life. Hope, you'll have better death scare than mine. Maybe if When I got a really traumatic one, I'll post it.

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