"Don't let fear control your life. I've known so many people let the fear of failure become a reason for them to life a life with restrictions and at the end, they regretted that they didn't do much more, and they truly haven't lived"

Thursday 14 April 2011

Do Something that Haven't Been Done for at least a Year

Okay, we all did something that we haven't done for years.So, I decicded to reprise the few things I haven't been doing for quite a while, specifically at least a year. By accident, I did three this week.

No.1 Actually use Facebook
Okay this one I kinda cheat, but I haven't touch Facebook (meaning actually post anything on my wall) for almost a year. I kinda did this on purpose, because I was too lazy to go online especially when you're far away from easily accesible internet. does make sense? Try studying somewhere where Wi-Fi meaans going 4 storey down. So, this week I kinda revive my Facebook account by accepting friend request and plying some games.

No.2 Drive .. a car
I hate driving. Mankind weren't meant to drive. That's why there's so many death related car accidents. So, after one year avoiding driving, I had to take the plunge to satisfy certain society and geographical need. A year ago, I took my driver's exam aand only past the second half. This means I have to retake the other half; the one with the hill, side parking and three corners... Studying and National Service came after my first test, preventing me from retaking the exam for a year. The second test was scheduled to be tomorrow., then, a bomb dropped. I found out during this week training I had to retake the part that I passed as well. Panicked, I had to rescheduled the test to next two weeks. Hopefully, passing the test could be my new thing that week. Oh.. The driving part, I hate driving mostly because I have motion sickness. So the swaying and the movement of car just... makes me sick.

No.3 Skate on ice
Ahhh.. The feeling.. The wind in the hair and the intense pain in my feet. Ice skating is fun and painful. This will be my secongd time on ice. I always love seeing people skating especially the pros; whether the the hockey players or cute kid figure skaters getting scolded by their overbearing mother. Getting on ice for the second first time... The feeling of slippery ice on the blade of the rented tight ice skating shoes.. the first glide... (because I can't remeber being good the first time) and my first fall ( somehow good enough not to fall the first time).. Being on the ice reminds me why I'm so afraid to fall even if I know I'll get back up again.. It's like life.. Fear of failiure is till there.. I need it to go away.

And I also need to be better in ice skating. Come on, I'm no good in most sport. Let this be it, even I don't go pro.. I still want to be able to glide , spin and twirl...WEEeeeee!!!

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